Family Resources

Google Suite

For Education at Home

Step by Step Instructions on setting up and using Google Suite for Education at home.

Full terms of agreement for G Suite for Education

All the explanations in plain terms about the steps Google takes to protect teachers & students privacy.


A parent guide to Ontario’s school system.

A toolkit to help you navigate your child’s journey from pre-kindergarten through high school.

Tool Kits and Guidebooks, Helping at Home, Social Media, Cyberbullying, Mental Health, Conflict, Resilience and Empath

Provides simple tips and tools to help families support their child’s education at home.

Health and Physical Education Curriculum

This curriculum helps students develop an understanding of what they need in order to make a commitment to lifelong healthy, active living and develop the capacity to live satisfying, productive lives. Healthy, active living benefits both individuals and society in many ways.

  • by increasing productivity and readiness for learning
  • improving morale
  • decreasing absenteeism
  • reducing health-care costs
  • decreasing anti-social behaviour such as bullying and violence
  • promoting safe and healthy relationships
  • heightening personal satisfaction

Research has shown a connection between increased levels of physical activity and better academic achievement, better concentration, better classroom behaviour, and more focused learning. Other benefits include improvements in mental health and wellbeing, physical capacity, self-concept, and the ability to cope with stress.

The expectations that make up this curriculum also provide the opportunity for students to develop social emotional learning skills and well-being. This practical, balanced approach will help students move successfully through elementary and secondary school and beyond. In health and physical education, students will learn the skills needed to be successful in life as active, healthy, and socially responsible citizens.

Emergency Response Protocol

It shall be the policy of the Board, in conjunction with Emergency Services, to provide direction for procedures to be followed in the event of any emergency involving staff and/or students on Board property or while on school sponsored events.

Special Education

The Protestant Separate School Board of the Town of Penetanguishene’s (PSSBP’s) Special Education Plan outlines the Board’s philosophy of special education and describes the special education programs and services available. It has been designed in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Education Act and regulations made under the Act, and applicable Policy and Program Memoranda.

Health & Well Being

Good health and overall well-being is an important foundation for learning and student success. The Board and School remain focused on developing the spiritual, social-emotional, physical, mental, and academic pillars of well-being.