Rules & Behaviour


At Burkevale Protestant Separate School, we believe that students are entitled to a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment, where respect for self, others and the environment is as important as academic learning. An important goal of the school is to help students develop self-discipline and social skills so that they can become productive, mature and responsible members of society.

Code of Conduct

The Protestant Separate School Board of the Town of Penetanguishene endeavours to provide a safe, welcoming, and inclusive working and learning environment for staff and students. 

The Provincial Code of Conduct, applies to students, teachers, education workers, parents/guardians, and volunteers, whether they are on school property, in virtual environments, on school buses, at school-related events or activities, in before-and after-school programs, or in other circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate.


To achieve optimum success, students are expected to:

  • accept responsibility for personal actions
  • fulfill expected academic obligations
  • come to school punctually each day, prepared and willing to learn
  • obey the rules of the school and other sites during school activities
  • demonstrate respect for self, others and property
  • be honest
  • use peaceful means to resolve conflict
  • dress appropriately
  • use respectful language, free from profanity
  • apply common sense and courtesy in all games
  • leave dangerous, expensive or valued items at home
  • play appropriately and safely, e.g. no throwing of stones or snowballs, no rough play of any type, no fighting, teasing, name calling or swearing
  • report emergencies or concerns to a supervisor immediately


CONSEQUENCES of Infractions of School Rules or Code of Behaviour may include any of the following:

  • discussion/counselling by teacher/principal/resource staff
  • warnings
  • recording series of events and what was learned
  • loss of privileges – e.g. time out from class activity, 20 minute detention over lunch
  • after school
  • written communication with home to be signed and returned
  • telephone contact with parent/caregiver
  • payment for repair or replacement of damaged property
  • community service
  • time-out in the office
  • suspension
  • alternate programming
  • in-school team meeting
  • involvement with outside agencies